Market research company, PresidentI have worked with numerous Labor and Social Security Consultants in the past, but the advice I received from INO was by far the easiest to understand and most appropriate. To be specific…First, by providing in layman terms an explanation of the background and intent of the related laws for each issue, I could clearly see the actual problems. Then based on extensive practical experience, we were able to develop a workable and realistic solution to the problem together. Furthermore, drawing on their work experience in Canada, INO could understand the issues unique to foreign companies, and being able to directly communicate in English with the parent company was extremely helpful to us. |
Mail order company, DirectorIt has been only 4 years since our company was established. However, we have been growing rapidly and urgently needed to prepare/organize labor regulations, employees’ benefits and more in accordance with the Labor Standards Act. We didn’t have much time for preparation and INO could provide us the guidance and full cooperation so that all necessary processes were completed in less than 6 months. INO always placed themselves in the company’s position and provided accurate information with a greater appreciation of the situation despite receiving no financial compensation. I am certain that INOs courteous and diligent service helped build our company’s foundation. |
Entertainment Business, Managing DirectorWe worked closely with INO during the start up the Japan operations of a UK company for the development of HR related policies including Employment Agreements, Employment Terms and Conditions etc. One of the challenges was incorporating our company’s global HR policies with the laws and practices of Japan, however INO could draw on their wealth of international experience and provide us with advice based on actual cases from other companies. Being able to directly communicate with the staff at our UK headquarters was extremely helpful. INO was always well prepared for our meetings and we always felt we could trust them. |
Securities business, Human resource managerWe requested several challenging tasks including reviewing/amending the HR system and regulations and abolishment of the retirement benefit system. By including case examples and listening to the reasons for the amendments from other companies, INO could provide us with easy to understand logical explanations which made my task as HR manager of providing convincing explanations to our staff much easier. Since INO always offered us applicable and detailed information after each amendment to the laws, we were able to modify our company’s regulations in a timely manner. We appreciate and trust INO as our Labor and Social Security Attorney to provide us with appropriate advice on a variety of issues taking into consideration our company’s circumstances and culture. |
Financial services business, Human resource managerIn the past 3+ years, I have had the pleasure of working together with them on a variety of payroll matters. The services that they provided include monthly salary calculations and payments, handling of changes in social insurances, preparing and submitting necessary reports on annual or ad hoc basis, etc. I really appreciate the timely feedback on sudden requests for information or handling a complex matter.They are capable and likeable person who treats his customers with excellent care. They have always worked very diligently and accurately, explaining the contents of the labour law and social insurances where appropriate with great enthusiasm and in depth. |
Tokyo LawyerAs an attorney who has worked on a number of international cases including labor issues, I had the opportunity to work with INO in finding a solution to a Labor Tribunal case (invalidity of employment termination) that occurred at the principal Japan retail outlet of a European brand company. INO organized the facts of the case and provided a report on the results on the investigation with a Japanese translation, and acted as the point of contact between the European head office, Hong Kong headquarters (non-Japanese) and myself. INO assisted with organizing the facts related to the case and preparing arguments to the Labor Tribunal accurately and precisely and coordinated the telephone conferences between myself and headquarter management in a clear and understandable manner. His quality of work well exceeded the abilities of many lawyers and combined with his work ethics, he could effectively perform many of the tasks for me. As a result, we were able to quickly reach a favorable outcome for the client. I have a lot of trust in INO and hope to work with him on future challenging labor matters. |